Palm Bay Primary School

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Online Safety

Online safety is at the core of everything we do in Computing and whenever we access technology across the curriculum. To teach the children to be safe online, we use the government framework, ‘Education for a Connected World’. For more information about this scheme visit: here:

With the rise in technology and content available to our children, it is important that they understand how to use technology safely, and that we know how to support them with this.

For more information on E-safety please visit the following sites:

Think-U-Know: advice from the Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre

CEOP: useful information on E-safety issues

ChildNet: information about keeping children safe online : information about how to keep children safe online. 

London Grid for Learning - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online

Net-aware - for support for parents and careers from the NSPCC

Parent info - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online

Any criminal online content can be reported to the Internet Watch Foundation - 

If you would like more information, please visit our Policies section on our website.

online safety july 2024.pdf