Palm Bay Primary School

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 The intent of the Maths curriculum at Palm Bay Primary School is for the pupils to:

  • Develop a Strong Foundation: Gain a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and operations, enabling them to build a strong foundation for future learning.
  • Apply Knowledge: Confidently apply their mathematical knowledge to a variety of contexts, including real-life situations, problem-solving, and cross-curricular links.
  • Foster a Love for Maths: Cultivate a positive attitude towards mathematics, fostering curiosity and enjoyment in the subject through engaging and interactive learning experiences.
  • Build Resilience and Perseverance: Develop resilience and perseverance when faced with mathematical challenges, encouraging pupils to embrace mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Achieve Fluency: Achieve fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics, including efficient and accurate calculation skills, understanding of numbers, and the ability to recall key facts and procedures.
  • Reason Mathematically: Enhance their ability to reason mathematically by following lines of enquiry, conjecturing relationships, and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification, or proof using mathematical language.
  • Communicate Mathematically: Develop the skills to communicate mathematical concepts clearly and effectively, using appropriate mathematical vocabulary and representations.


Children commence their maths learning in EYFS, where we follow the Mastering Number scheme to give them the secure foundation needed for Year One and beyond. Our maths curriculum in KS1 and KS2 is based upon the White Rose scheme of work, which ensures learning is taken in small steps to build confidence and secure understanding. Our teaching and learning throughout the school follows the ‘five big ideas’ of maths mastery (NCETM) 

We use assessment information to inform and adapt our teaching to ensure it drives progress and is inclusive. Our staff have high levels of subject knowledge across all areas of learning and we regularly use our monitoring systems to inform support and CPD. New learning is built upon and linked to previous knowledge and all pupils are engaged in deeper thinking with independence encouraged through scaffolding to help them progress.


At Palm Bay Primary School we aim to develop a thirst for learning, engagement and enjoyment of maths, so that all pupils have a strong foundation in mathematical concepts and skills, show confidence and competence in solving mathematical problems and are fully prepared for the mathematical challenges of secondary education and beyond.