Palm Bay Primary School

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  • To deliver a tailored PSHE curriculum to meet the needs of our individual pupils throughhigh quality planning and teaching.

  • To successfully equip our pupils for adult life where they will experience decision making, responsibilities, experiences and opportunities.

  • To aim to promote emotional wellbeing and resilience, attainment through wellbeing, and self-esteem.


At Palm Bay, we use a scheme called Lifewise. The scheme ensures coverage and progression of skills.  The curriculum can be adapted to suit the needs of the pupils. There are opportunities and scenarios in the scheme that children can relate to their own life experiences. 

The Lifewise curriculum ensures progression through the year groups. As the children work their way through the school there are opportunities to revisit units and build upon their current knowledge. 

The curriculum has the disciplinary (Calm me, Connect us, Open my mind, Tell me show me)and substantive strands (wellbeing, health, environment, helping others, life skills, RSE, staying safe, British values) that run through the PSHE curriculum from EYFS to Y6. A benefit of the scheme is that it is sequenced and progressive across each of the strands. 

It is a spiral curriculum revisiting concepts and topics, each time extending knowledge, deepening understanding and developing skills.


When walking into PSHE lessons, there is active engagement. Children confidently challenge each other, and children can link discussions to their own life experiences. We also see this through active listening and tolerating others' views. We empower children to use their voices.

The skills and knowledge that pupils learn in PSHE lessons can be applied to their everyday lives. The PSHE curriculum is tailored to prepare the pupils for the next stage of life and to develop their life skills. It ensures that at the end of each phase they are ready to progress and ensures Y6 pupils become secondary ready. The disciplinary strands are applied across the curriculum.