Palm Bay Primary School

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Science is about children developing a sense of enquiry and extending their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. At Palm Bay Primary School we use a range of teaching methods in science lessons, with an emphasis on providing a curriculum which develops and extends the children’s scientific concepts in the specific disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and enables them to be curious about the world. This will lead to children learning to work as scientists, planning and undertaking practical investigations. Pupils will build a body of key foundational science knowledge as they work through the curriculum, asking questions and developing a sense of curiosity about the world around them.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, activities are planned in relation to the “Understanding the World” area of the Foundation Stage curriculum. Children’s progress and achievements are assessed against the Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception. The activities are planned in a cross-curricular way through topic areas that are interesting and enjoyable.

During Key stages 1 and 2, science is taught regularly in planned science lessons. Wherever possible, links are made between science and other subjects, particularly literacy (recording and reporting), maths (accurate measuring and data recording), history (the work of influential scientists over time), geography (science of geology, habitats and other earth sciences) DT and ICT. We are incredibly fortunate with the location of our school and use the school grounds and local environment wherever possible to support the children’s learning in science. Activities are planned to cover the relevant key science disciplinary skills and substantive knowledge for each year group, with particular importance placed on children working practically so that they can make discoveries for themselves.

The science curriculum at Palm Bay gives the children multiple opportunities to secure and build on their knowledge and understanding, as subject content is regularly revisited. This helps children to master knowledge and concepts, whilst building up an extended specialist vocabulary. Our curriculum enables children to understand the important role that science plays in our daily lives and will equip them to move into their secondary education with curiosity, passion and a desire for discovery.

For more information, please contact our science leader, Nicola Page: