Palm Bay Primary School

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Science is about children developing a sense of enquiry and extending their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. At Palm Bay Primary School we use a range of teaching methods in science lessons, with an emphasis on providing a curriculum which develops and extends the children’s scientific concepts in the specific disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and enables them to be curious about the world. This will lead to children learning to work as scientists, planning and undertaking practical investigations. Pupils will build a body of key foundational science knowledge as they work through the curriculum, asking questions and developing a sense of curiosity about the world around them.


  1. Develop Scientific Literacy: Gain a strong foundation in key scientific concepts across biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences, enabling them to engage with scientific issues confidently and make informed decisions.
  2. Encourage Inquiry and Exploration: Cultivate curiosity by encouraging students to ask questions, conduct experiments, and seek evidence-based answers. We emphasise the scientific method as a tool for discovery and problem-solving.
  3. Promote Critical Thinking: Enhance students' analytical skills by teaching them how to evaluate data, interpret results, and draw logical conclusions. We encourage students to challenge assumptions and consider alternative perspectives.
  4. Understand the Interconnectedness of Science and Society: Explore the impact of scientific discoveries on society, technology, and the environment. We aim to develop students’ awareness of the ethical, cultural, and global implications of scientific advancements.
  5. Inspire a Lifelong Love for Science: Encourage a passion for learning and discovery that extends beyond the classroom. We seek to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and informed citizens who contribute positively to society.


Palm Bay has a detailed curriculum map that follows the CUSP curriculum. This curriculum map ensures we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes mapping out skills coverage and development, drawing on prior learning to support children to make connections with and build upon existing knowledge.

CUSP focuses on the core objectives for each year group, and then revisits and builds on these objectives through the student’s time at school. This ensures knowledge and skills are taught progressively and are more embedded, resulting in a deeper understanding of each topic.

Our curriculum links the learning in Year 1 to the EYFS Early Learning Goals by looking at, and building on the children’s previous learning. In EYFS, science learning is covered within Understanding the World, and in each termly topic, specific science activities are identified. However, science activities happen in EYFS on a daily basis (water play/floating sinking, cars on ramps, sand play, cooking/changes) and these are not necessarily linked to the termly focus, but are part of the permanent provision for our youngest pupils.

All children, regardless of ability, are able to access the science curriculum, and our more vulnerable learners are able to thrive using adapted content and scaffolds. Teachers plan for active learning to ensure high levels of engagement for all.  Practical and engaging activities encourage talk and collaborative/peer learning. Every lesson has an element of discussion (whole class, paired, small groups), and teachers are effective in leading these discussions, asking questions to extend understanding. 


At Palm Bay Primary School, we are committed to fostering a deep curiosity about the world through an engaging and comprehensive science curriculum. Our program aims to instil a lifelong love of learning, engagement and enjoyment, while equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. New learning is built upon and linked to previous knowledge.

Our science curriculum not only fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum but also encourages children to see themselves as scientists in the making, curious about the world around them and confident in their ability to contribute to its understanding.They are encouraged to engage in deeper thinking, asking high quality questions and suggesting ways to find out the answers to theses questions.

Through our science education, we are cultivating inquisitive minds and independent learners, equipping our students with the skills they need for their futures, and fostering a sense of responsibility for the world they will inherit, with the ability to apply their learning to real-life situations and roles.